Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving! (or the holiday I almost hate now)Well, things have been very hectic for me lately, since where I work Thanksgiving is bigger than Jesus and his birthday. But the stress will all melt away tomorrow, when I get to eat lots of yummy food, including my very own famous French apple pie.
I don't normally post the illustrations I do of food for something at Whole Foods called "faves", because they can be pretty boring out of context, but on the eve of the holiday most worshiping food, I thought it was appropriate. Enjoy the feast!

Friday, November 09, 2007

One More Time......but I didn't miss my stop this time around.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

SketchAnother sketch of my comic's main character done on the train. It's sad to admit, but I actually missed my stop because I was drawing this. At least it made the time fly by! And then added more time because I had to walk from the next stop back to my apartment. Oh well!